
Don't we all need Shelter?

Shelter, This Is Franco

I know I said this was going up yesterday, but did anyone else catch that Jays game last night? 5 plus hours and 15 innings later, they lost (and probably deserved that fate), but my oh my what an exciting game.  I didn't think anyone would be offended with a little Sunday reading anyhow.

And what are we reading about on this fine Sunday?  An album that was a long time coming, and worth every second of the wait.  This is Franco has released thier first full length, titled ShelterWith 11 polished tracks, this band's mature sound continues to surprise me, and I mean that in the best way possible.  I know the album took a little longer than the band had hoped, but I am sure they are pleased with the result.

"Crowded House" is still one of my favourites from this group.  The vocals are as good as they always are, and I really like the keys, they pull me in, in a big way.  "Love just leads you" would be another favourite.  Some great harmonies really have the vocals stick out for me, it's a fun one to sing along with (whether you can sing or not :).  I've also got to mention "Stuck Between".  I remember reading a review of the song when it was first released a while back, and the person was less than impressed.  I found it funny cause I thought this song was great.  It's my kind of tune, a short, happy little diddy, and I don't know how anyone could not enjoy it.

Enjoying it is what these guys are about, on top of that, they're driven, and continue to push themselves in a positive manner.  I think Shelter is a great step for the group, and they are poised to make 2011 the year you fell in love with This is Franco.

AND... It's time for another GIVEAWAY! The band was kind enough to send me a couple copies of Shelter, so leave a way to reach you in the comments section below for your chance to win! (I'm not on facebook, but a twitter handle or email would be best). Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. Neat - I like this. I like how genuine it feels.
